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RSS FeedsIJERPH, Vol. 19, Pages 15876: Country Parks as Sites of Emergency Medical Facility: A Case of COVID-19 in Hangzhou, China (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health)


29 november 2022 10:23:23

IJERPH, Vol. 19, Pages 15876: Country Parks as Sites of Emergency Medical Facility: A Case of COVID-19 in Hangzhou, China (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health)

City parks are suitable sites for the construction of emergency medical facilities. A comparison of various types of city parks revealed that country parks fit closely with site selection conditions for emergency medical facilities. Based on the latter site selection requirements, eight impact factors such as park type, effective avoidance area, spatial fragmentation degree, water source protection area, wind direction, distance from city center, impermeability, and transport duration were quantified, and then 29 country parks in the Hangzhou Urban Area were compared using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The calculation results showed that Linglong Country Park has the highest score, taking into account the characteristics of safety, scalability, rehabilitation, convenience, pollution prevention, and isolation. Linglong can be given priority selection as a target location for emergency medical facilities. In addition, Silver Lake Country Park, Dongqiao Country Park, Taihuyuan Country Park, and Tuankou Country Park have higher scores and can be used as alternative targets for emergency plans. The scoring results prove that the evaluation method has a high degree of rigor, a significant degree of discrimination, and a high degree of consistency between the validity and weight assignment of each impact factor. In view of the different geographical conditions in each region, the weight assignment of each impact factor can be adjusted according to local conditions and can help make effective use of existing conditions and avoid disadvantages.

109 viewsCategory: Medicine, Pathology, Toxicology
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