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RSS FeedsLevothyroxine absorption test followed by directly observed treatment on an outpatient basis to address long-term high thyrotropin levels in a hypothyroid patient: a case report (Journal of Medical Case Reports)


25 january 2023 16:44:46

Levothyroxine absorption test followed by directly observed treatment on an outpatient basis to address long-term high thyrotropin levels in a hypothyroid patient: a case report (Journal of Medical Case Reports)

For the treatment of hypothyroidism, patients are usually placed on lifelong levothyroxine replacement therapy. Achieving clinical and biochemical euthyroid status is sometimes difficult because of several fac...

109 viewsCategory: Medicine
Low expression of the dynamic network markers FOS/JUN in pre-deteriorated epithelial cells is associated with the progression of colorectal adenoma to carcinoma (Journal of Translational Medicine)
Multivariate longitudinal data for survival analysis of cardiovascular event prediction in young adults: insights from a comparative explainable study (BMC Medical Research Methodology)
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