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RSS FeedsEnergies, Vol. 16, Pages 2825: The Impact of a Special Economic Zone Management on the Development of Modern Sectors and Technologies in a Polish Metropolis: The Smart City Context (Energies)


18 march 2023 07:43:46

Energies, Vol. 16, Pages 2825: The Impact of a Special Economic Zone Management on the Development of Modern Sectors and Technologies in a Polish Metropolis: The Smart City Context (Energies)

The development of the high-tech sector has so far been studied within the cities, leaving their functioning within the special economic zones in the context of metropolitan belonging unexplored. The main purpose of the article is to determine whether the economic zone has a positive impact on the economic development of cities, which in the context of this research, has been operationalized with the use of computer-aided systems. The authors purposefully choose a Metropolis GZM, Poland (GZM), and Katowice Special Economic Zone (KSEZ). The importance of the high-tech sector in the GZM depends on the development of business in the region. Innovative specializations of cities located in the KSEZ were examined from the point of view of their perception by users of these new technologies, i.e., city residents. The research was conducted among over 1000 inhabitants of 16 cities in the GZM Metropolis. The results show correlations between the existence of modern businesses in metropolitan cities and their development of useful technologies, perceived from the perspective of residents.

98 viewsCategory: Biophysics, Biotechnology, Physics
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