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RSS FeedsMolecules, Vol. 28, Pages 4511: Odor Perception and Descriptions of Rose-Scented Geranium Pelargonium graveolens ‘Dr. Westerlund’–Sensory and Chemical Analyses (Molecules)


2 june 2023 05:45:17

Molecules, Vol. 28, Pages 4511: Odor Perception and Descriptions of Rose-Scented Geranium Pelargonium graveolens ‘Dr. Westerlund’–Sensory and Chemical Analyses (Molecules)

A recent study found that the natural scent from the rose-scented geranium Pelargonium graveolens ‘Dr. Westerlund’ had positive effects on stress reduction. Essential oils from many pelargonium species are known to have phytochemical properties and pharmacological activities. No study has, so far, explored and identified the chemical compounds and the sensory perception of these compounds in ‘Dr. Westerlund’ plants. Such knowledge would be an important contribution to an increased understanding of the effects of plants’ chemical odor properties on human well-being, and link this to the expressed perceived scents. This study aimed to identify the sensory profile and suggest responsible chemical compounds of Pelargonium graveolens ‘Dr. Westerlund’. The sensory and chemical analysis results revealed sensory profiles of Pelargonium graveolens ‘Dr. Westerlund’s and provided suggestions for the chemical compounds attributed to the sensory profiles. Further studies are recommended to investigate the correlation between volatile compounds and possible stress reduction in humans.

75 viewsCategory: Biochemistry, Chemistry, Molecular Biology
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