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RSS FeedsAlgorithms, Vol. 16, Pages 287: A Fast Hybrid Pressure-Correction Algorithm for Simulating Incompressible Flows by Projection Methods (Algorithms)


2 june 2023 06:33:36

Algorithms, Vol. 16, Pages 287: A Fast Hybrid Pressure-Correction Algorithm for Simulating Incompressible Flows by Projection Methods (Algorithms)

To enforce the conservation of mass principle, a pressure Poisson equation arises in the numerical solution of incompressible fluid flow using the pressure-based segregated algorithms such as projection methods. For unsteady flows, the pressure Poisson equation is solved at each time step usually in physical space using iterative solvers, and the resulting pressure gradient is then applied to make the velocity field divergence-free. It is generally accepted that this pressure-correction stage is the most time-consuming part of the flow solver and any meaningful acceleration would contribute significantly to the overall computational efficiency. The objective of the present work was to develop a fast hybrid pressure-correction algorithm for numerical simulation of incompressible flows around obstacles in the context of projection methods. The key idea is to adopt different numerical methods/discretisations in the sub-steps of projection methods. Here, a classical second-order time-marching projection method, which consists of two sub-steps, was chosen for the purposes of demonstration. In the first sub-step, the momentum equations were discretised on unstructured grids and solved by conventional numerical methods, here a meshless method. In the second sub-step (pressure-correction), the proposed algorithm adopts a double-discretisation system and combines the weighted least-squares approximation with the essence of immersed boundary methods. Such a design allowed us to develop an FFT-based solver to speed up the solution of the pressure Poisson equation for flow cases with obstacles, while keeping the implementation of the boundary conditions for the momentum equations as easy as conventional numerical methods do with unstructured grids. The numerical experiments of five test cases were performed to verify and validate the proposed hybrid algorithm and evaluate its computational performance. The results showed that the new FFT-based hybrid algorithm works and is robust, and it was significantly faster than the multigrid-based reference method. The hybrid algorithm opens an avenue for the development of next-generation high-performance parallel computational fluid dynamics solvers for incompressible flows.

74 viewsCategory: Informatics
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