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RSS FeedsIJERPH, Vol. 20, Pages 6033: Physical Education: At the Centre of Physical Activity Promotion in Schools (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health)


2 june 2023 08:14:43

IJERPH, Vol. 20, Pages 6033: Physical Education: At the Centre of Physical Activity Promotion in Schools (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health)

Whilst recognising and advocating for the role and importance of schools and whole school approaches to the promotion of physical activity in schools, this paper argues that physical education (PE) should be at the centre of and driving schools’ efforts to promote physical activity. Various reasons are given for this, with these broadly centring on the unique goal, nature, and responsibilities of the subject with respect to promoting physically active lifestyles and health-related learning. Furthermore, there have been positive strides in recent years to support this endeavour and that serve to highlight, strengthen, and reinforce the focus and responsibility of PE in the promotion of physical activity. In light of these, it is suggested that it is a pivotal time for PE. Equally, it is accepted that PE faces some longstanding challenges that are hindering and raise questions concerning the subject’s physical activity promotion efforts. Despite this, it is contended that these should not be unsurmountable, and more recent developments should also help the subject to realise its physical activity promoting potential moving forwards. In particular, the critical importance of high-quality PE that has young people at the core is highlighted. It is concluded that it is both time and timely for the PE profession to be bold, have confidence, and grasp these opportunities and ensure that high-quality PE is central to the explicit planning and co-ordination of meaningful, coherent, relevant, and sustainable physical activity opportunities for young people in schools.

77 viewsCategory: Medicine, Pathology, Toxicology
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