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RSS FeedsIJMS, Vol. 24, Pages 9724: Synthesis of Flavonol-Bearing Probes for Chemoproteomic and Bioinformatic Analyses of Asteraceae Petals in Search of Novel Flavonoid Enzymes (International Journal of Molecular Sciences)


3 june 2023 13:03:40

IJMS, Vol. 24, Pages 9724: Synthesis of Flavonol-Bearing Probes for Chemoproteomic and Bioinformatic Analyses of Asteraceae Petals in Search of Novel Flavonoid Enzymes (International Journal of Molecular Sciences)

This study aimed at searching for the enzymes that are responsible for the higher hydroxylation of flavonols serving as UV-honey guides for pollinating insects on the petals of Asteraceae flowers. To achieve this aim, an affinity-based chemical proteomic approach was developed by relying on the use of quercetin-bearing biotinylated probes, which were thus designed and synthesized to selectively and covalently capture relevant flavonoid enzymes. Proteomic and bioinformatic analyses of proteins captured from petal microsomes of two Asteraceae species (Rudbeckia hirta and Tagetes erecta) revealed the presence of two flavonol 6-hydroxylases and several additional not fully characterized proteins as candidates for the identification of novel flavonol 8-hydroxylases, as well as relevant flavonol methyl- and glycosyltransferases. Generally speaking, this substrate-based proteome profiling methodology constitutes a powerful tool for the search for unknown (flavonoid) enzymes in plant protein extracts.

96 viewsCategory: Biochemistry, Biophysics, Molecular Biology
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