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RSS FeedsIJMS, Vol. 24, Pages 12781: Analysis of Predicted Amino Acid Sequences of Diatom Microtubule Center Components (International Journal of Molecular Sciences)


14 august 2023 11:47:10

IJMS, Vol. 24, Pages 12781: Analysis of Predicted Amino Acid Sequences of Diatom Microtubule Center Components (International Journal of Molecular Sciences)

Diatoms synthesize species-specific exoskeletons inside cells under the control of the cytoskeleton and microtubule center. Previous studies have been conducted with the visualization of the microtubule center; however, its composition has not been studied and reliably established. In the present study, several components of MTOC in diatoms, GCP (gamma complex proteins), Aurora A, and centrins have been identified. Analysis of the predicted amino acid sequences of these proteins revealed structural features typical for diatoms. We analyzed the conserved amino acids and the motives necessary for the functioning of proteins. Phylogenetic analysis of GCP showed that all major groups of diatoms are distributed over phylogenetic trees according to their systematic position. This work is a theoretical study; however, it allows drawing some conclusions about the functioning of the studied components and possible ways to regulate them.

47 viewsCategory: Biochemistry, Biophysics, Molecular Biology
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