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RSS FeedsIJMS, Vol. 24, Pages 12983: Molecular Mechanisms Underlying NMDARs Dysfunction and Their Role in ADHD Pathogenesis (International Journal of Molecular Sciences)


19 august 2023 14:20:20

IJMS, Vol. 24, Pages 12983: Molecular Mechanisms Underlying NMDARs Dysfunction and Their Role in ADHD Pathogenesis (International Journal of Molecular Sciences)

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders, although the aetiology of ADHD is not yet understood. One proposed theory for developing ADHD is N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) dysfunction. NMDARs are involved in regulating synaptic plasticity and memory function in the brain. Abnormal expression or polymorphism of some genes associated with ADHD results in NMDAR dysfunction. Correspondingly, NMDAR malfunction in animal models results in ADHD-like symptoms, such as impulsivity and hyperactivity. Currently, there are no drugs for ADHD that specifically target NMDARs. However, NMDAR-stabilizing drugs have shown promise in improving ADHD symptoms with fewer side effects than the currently most widely used psychostimulant in ADHD treatment, methylphenidate. In this review, we outline the molecular and genetic basis of NMDAR malfunction and how it affects the course of ADHD. We also present new therapeutic options related to treating ADHD by targeting NMDAR.

2889 viewsCategory: Biochemistry, Biophysics, Molecular Biology
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